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Online Master of Supply Chain Transportation & Logistics

Residency Weekend Builds Bonds That Last

Each fall, a new Online Master of Supply Chain Transportation & Logistics (SCTL) cohort gathers in Seattle for Residency Weekend. The weekend is offered in a hybrid format, both in-person in Seattle and online, and gives students the opportunity to learn, connect and kick off the program.

Supply Chain Classroom

“The Residency has such a great energy,” said Michelle Burdette, a senior project manager at Boeing and a SCTL student who attended in 2019. “Everyone there is engaged.”

During Residency Weekend, students meet instructors and classmates, interface with guest speakers who are experts in the field, network at a mixer with with advisory board members, alumni and current students; and complete their first course in the program: SCTL 501: Introduction to Supply Chain Transportation & Logistics.

 “It’s very hands on,” said Izzie Crollard, a project manager at Providence Health System who attended in 2019. “I was very impressed by the speakers, activities and company tours.”

Because the SCTL program is online, Residency Weekend offers a chance for students and teachers to forge bonds in person before they begin the program in earnest.

“The Residency is a great introduction to the professors and peers that I’ll work with during the program,” said Izzie. “It’s great meeting the real people behind the screen.”

Supply Chain Classroom

“I like learning about our instructors’ real-world experiences,” Michelle said. “I appreciate hearing their perspectives on local supply chain issues, environmental impacts and congressional appointments.”

Forming these bonds is important because SCTL students learn through simulations, games and discussions, rather than through lectures alone.

“Every student brings in something different,” Izzie said, “and we all learn from each other.”

The collaborative tone that students and instructors set during Residency Weekend carries on throughout the cohort’s time in the SCTL program, creating a welcoming educational environment.  

“The Residency shows that the staff is here to support us, the professors are eager to teach us and our voices matter in the class,” Izzie said. “We all want to participate — not because we’re being forced to, but because we want to. Every student I know is delighted to be part of this SCTL community."